Journal Papers
Blaschke, Oliver; Brand, Felix; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2023): Quantification of Humidity and Salt Detection in Historical Building Materials via Broadband Radar Measurement. Sensors 2023, 23(10), 4616;
Landskron, Johannes; Dötzer, Florian; Benkert, Andreas; Mayle, Michael; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2022): Acoustic Limescale Layer and Temperature Measurement in Ultrasonic Flow Meters. Sensors2022, 22(17), 6648,
Hengster, Julia; Elsner, Jakob; Lutter, Klaus; Uphues, Thorsten (2022): Thinfilm Hybrid Nanostructures: A Perspective to Subcycle Opto-Electronics and Coherent Control. Applied Sciences 12(10):4805.,
Fairuschin, Viktor; Brand, Felix; Backer, Alexander; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2021): Elastic Properties Measurement Using Guided Acoustic Waves. In: Sensors 21, no. 19: 6675.
Fort, Ada; Panzardi, Enza; Vignoli, Valerio; Landi, Elia; Mugnaini, Marco and Drese, Klaus Stefan (2021): NO2 photoacoustic sensing system based on resonant cell and UV-LED sensor. In: 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT (MetroInd4.0&IoT), pp. 583-587, doi: 10.1109/MetroInd4.0IoT51437.2021.9488532
Backer, Alexander; Landskron, Johannes; Drese, Klaus Stefan et al. (2021): Actuation of Liquid Flow by Guided Acoustic Waves on Punched Steel Tapes with Protruding Loops. In: Journal of Bionic Engineering 18, 534–547.
Roßteutscher, Immanuel; Ros, Magdalena; Schwuchow, Katrin; Wolny, Claudia; Drese, Stefan (2020/21): Ultraschallbasierte dehydrationsmessung zum unterstützenden Gesundheitsmonitoring. In: Jahresmagazin Mess- und Sensortechnik, S. 42-44.
Fairuschin, Viktor; Drese, Klaus (2019/2020): Machine Learning in der Qualitätskontrolle. In: Jahresmagazin Mess- und Sensortechnik, S. 36-38,
Raab, Beate; Noll, Matthias; Drese, Klaus (2019): „Grün“ zeigt Bakterien an. In: SÜC Energie und H2O GmbH (Hg.): Kundenmagazin Pluspol, Bd. 09, S. 6–7,
Fricke, Anno (2019): Digitalisierung der Inneren Medizin nimmt Fahrt auf. In: ÄrzteZeitung,
Kolbeck, Cornelia (2019): Die digitale Zukunft der Interniste: Übernimmt der „medizinische Autopilot“? In: Medical Tribune,
Sabrina Tietze, Gerhard Lindner (2019): Visualization of the interaction of guided acoustic waves with water by light refractive vibrometry. In: Ultrasonics 99, 105955,
Wolny, Claudia (2019): Flexible Echtzeitmessplattform für Messdateninterpretation, In: – News zur SPS 2019,, S. 15.
Band, Felix; Kufner, Maria (2018/2019): Berührungslose und zerstörungsfreie Material- und Schichtcharakterisierung mittels Laser-Ultraschall. In: Jahresmagazin Mess- und Sensortechnik, S. 116-118.
Dubrovski, Oles; Tietze, Sabrina; Zigelman, Anna; Drese, Klaus Stefan.; Lindner, Gerhard; Manor, Ofer (2018): Editors’ Choice—The Enhancement of Ion Transport in an Electrochemical Cell Using High Frequency Vibration for the Electropolishing of Copper. In: J. Electrochem. Soc. 165 (5), E236-E244. DOI: 10.1149/2.0811805jes.
Tietze, Sabrina; Singer, Ferdinand; Lasota, Sandra; Ebert, Sandra; Landskron, Johannes; Schwuchow, Katrin et al. (2018): Monitoring of Soft Deposition Layers in Liquid-Filled Tubes with Guided Acoustic Waves Excited by Clamp-on Transducers. In: Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 18 (2). DOI: 10.3390/s18020526.
Bomhard, Sibylle von; Schelhaas, Karl-Peter; Alebrand, Sabine; Musyanovych, Anna; Maskos, Michael; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2017): Selective solvent evaporation from binary mixtures of water and tetrahydrofuran using a falling film microreactor. In: Green Processing and Synthesis 6 (1). DOI: 10.1515/gps-2016-0121.
Keßler, Simon; Drese, Klaus; Schmid, Friederike (2017): Simulating copolymeric nanoparticle assembly in the co-solvent method. How mixing rates control final particle sizes and morphologies. In: Polymer 126, S. 9–18. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2017.07.057.
Liang, Wei; Tietze, Sabrina (2017): Pearls in running drops on an inclined glass substrate excited by Lamb waves. In: Scientific reports 7 (1), S. 14164. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-14662-9.
Singer, Ferdinand; Kufner, Maria (2017): Model based laser-ultrasound determination of hardness gradients of gas-carburized steel. In: NDT & E International 88, S. 24–32. DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2017.02.006.
Drese, Klaus Stefan; Kufner, Maria; Lindner, Gerhard (2016): Messen mit seismischem Spürsinn. In: Jahresmagazin Mess- und Sensortechnik, S. 70–76.
Behrens, Jan; Langelier, Sean; Rezk, Amgad R.; Lindner, Gerhard; Yeo, Leslie Y.; Friend, James R. (2015): Microscale anechoic architecture: acoustic diffusers for ultra low power microparticle separation via traveling surface acoustic waves. In: Lab Chip 15 (1), S. 43–46. DOI: 10.1039/c4lc00704b.
Singer, Ferdinand (2015): Mess- und Analysemethoden in der Laserakustik bei breitbandiger Laseranregung. In: tm – Technisches Messen 82 (1), S. 45–51. DOI: 10.1515/teme-2014-0030.
Liang, Wei; Lindner, Gerhard (2013): Investigations of droplet movement excited by Lamb waves on a non-piezoelectric substrate. In: J. Appl. Phys. 114 (4), 44501. DOI: 10.1063/1.4813080.
Schmitt, Martin; Olfert, Sergei; Rautenberg, Jens; Lindner, Gerhard; Henning, Bernd; Reindl, Leonhard Michael (2013): Multi Reflection of Lamb Wave Emission in an Acoustic Waveguide Sensor. In: Sensors 13 (3), S. 2777–2785. DOI: 10.3390/s130302777.
Schmitt, Martin; Schmidt, Katrin; Olfert, Sergei; Rautenberg, Jens; Lindner, Gerhard; Henning, Bernd; Reindl, Leonhard Michael (2013): Detection of coatings within liquid-filled tubes and containers by mode conversion of leaky Lamb waves. In: J. Sens. Sens. Syst. 2 (1), S. 73–84. DOI: 10.5194/jsss-2-73-2013.
Friedrich, Denise; Kaul, Christian; Lindner, Gerhard; Faustmann, Hendrik; Münch, Michael (2011): Acoustic on-line monitoring of chemical reactions in liquids with integrated temperature compensation. In: Sen. Lett. 9 (2), S. 714–716. DOI: 10.1166/sl.2011.1599.
Lindner, Gerhard; Schmitt, Martin; Schubert, Josefine; Krempel, Sandro; Faustmann, Hendrik (2010): On-line surveillance of lubricants in bearings by means of surface acoustic waves. In: IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr 57 (1), S. 126–132. DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2010.1388.
Lindner, Gerhard (2008): Sensors and actuators based on surface acoustic waves propagating along solid–liquid interfaces. In: J. Phys. D 41 (12), 123002. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/41/12/123002.
Conference Contributions
Krempel, Sandro; Backer, Alexander; Dötzer, Florian, Drese, Klaus Stefan (2021): Excitation of Guided Acosutic Waves Using Ignition Sparks. In: Proceedings SMSI 2021 Conference A.91. DOI: 10.5162/SMSI2021/A9.1
Backer, Alexander; Krempel, Sandro; Ritter, Frank; Tietze, Sabrina; Drese, Klaus. S. (2021): Ship Propulsion by Means of Acoustic Radiation. In: Actuator21, S. 66–69.
Krempel, Sandro; Seidel, Nico; Tietze, Sabrina; Drese, Klaus. S. (2021): Generating Homogeneous Gas Mixtures by Using Acoustic Waves. In: Actuator21, S. 46–49.
Landskron, Johannes; Tietze, Sabrina; Wolf, Conrad; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2020): Modeling of acoustic enhanced electrochemical polishing processes. In: Acoustofluidics. Book of Abstracts. Acoustofluidics.
Brand, Felix; Singer, Ferdinand; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2019): Characterization of aluminium oxid layers with a laser ultrasonic setup using the dispersion of Rayleigh waves. LUS4Metals.
Drese, Klaus (2019): “Lab-on-a-chip“: Blutanalyse unkompliziert und schnell im Miniformat, Deutsche Gesellschaft für innere Medizin.
Tietze, Sabrina; Ebert, Sandra; Landskron, Johannes; Schwuchow, Katrin; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2019): Nichtinvasive Detektion von Biofilmen in der Hausinstallation. Verivita Symposium Hygiene + Technik. Euritim Bildung + Wissen GmbH & Co. KG. Wetzlar.
Becker, David; Schmidt, Robert; Lindner, Gerhard; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2018): Ultrasound Measurement Technique for Validation of Cryogenic Flows. In: Proceedings 2, 1090. DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2131090
Ritter, Frank; Krempel, Sandro; Tietze, Sabrina; Backer, Alexander; Wolfschmitt, Andre; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2018): Data transmission by guided acoustic waves. In: Proceedings Sensoren und Messsysteme.
Singer, Ferdinand.; Kufner, Maria; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2018): Measurement of Stress in Mechanical Components with a Novel LaserUltrasonic Measurement System. In: Proceedings ECNDT .
Singer, Ferdinand.; Kufner, Maria.; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2018): The Influence of Excitation and Detection Methods in LaserUltrasonics on Precise Material Characterization. In: Proceedings Sensoren und Messsysteme.
Brand, Felix; Singer, Ferdinand; Gerbeth, Marco; Kufner, Maria (2016): Vergleich zwischen Laser-Doppler- und photorefraktivem Interferometer zur Messung von akustischen Oberflächenwellen unter industriellen Bedingungen. In: GMA/ITG-Fachtagung (Sensoren und Messsysteme) 18, S. 425–430. DOI: 10.5162/sensoren2016/6.1.3.
Roßteutscher, Immanuel; Wohlleben, Phillipp; Waizenhöfer, Uwe (2016): Intelligente Zustandsüberwachung von Brückenbauwerken mit Hilfe faseroptischer Sensoren basierend auf der Rayleigh-Rückstreuung // P6.8 – Intelligente Zustandsüberwachung von Brückenbauwerken mit Hilfe faseroptischer Sensoren basierend auf der Rayleigh-Rückstreuung. AMA Service GmbH, Von-Münchhausen-Str. 49, 31515 Wunstorf, Germany 18, S. 703–708. DOI: 10.5162/sensoren2016/P6.8.
Tietze, Sabrina; Lindner, Gerhard (2016): Acoustic boosting of battery charging. In: Proc. Actuator16, S. 451–454.
Siegl, Martin; Gerstmann, Jens; Fischer, Alexander; Becker, David; Schmidt, Katrin; Lindner, Gerhard et al. (2015-2015): Advanced sensor technologies for cryogenic liquid propellant flow phenomena. 66th International Astronautical Congress. Jerusalem (Israel), 12.10.2015-16.10.2015.
Landskron, Johannes; Schmidt, Katrin; Kufner, Maria; Lindner, Gerhard (2015): Stable vortex generation in liquid filled wells by mode conversion of surface acoustic waves. In: Physics Procedia 70, S. 98–101. DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.08.051.
Singer, Ferdinand (2015): Laser-Acoustic characterization of coatings. In: AMA Conferences 2015 (SENSOR 2015), S. 119–123. DOI: 10.5162/sensor2015/A5.3.
Singer, Ferdinand (2015): Laser-Ultrasonic Measurement of Elastic Properties of Anodized Aluminum Coatings. In: Physics Procedia 70, S. 334–337. DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.08.219.
Stacheter, Astrid; Becker, David (2015): Surveillance of drying processes of forage layers in silos. In: AMA Conferences 2015 (SENSOR 2015), S. 377–380.
Tietze, Sabrina; Reißenweber, Marina; Schlemmer, Josefine; Lindner Gerhard (2015): Investigation of the surface condition of an electrode after electropolishing under the influence of surface acoustic waves. In: Physics Procedia 70, S. 1039–1042. DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.08.221.
Müller-Friedrich, Denise; Tietze, Sabrina; Schmidt, Katrin; Lindner, Gerhard (2014): Integrierte Sensor- und Aktor-Funktionen mit akustischen Oberflächenwellen. In: Proc. Symposium Mikrosystemtechnik, S. 55–62.
Schmidt, Katrin; Lindner, Gerhard (2014): Acoustic Streaming Induced Mixing of Liquids for Industrial Applications. In: Proc. Actuator14, S. 406–409.
Singer, Ferdinand (2014): Laserakustische Vermessung anisotroper Materialeigenschaften. In: Proc. Sensoren und Messsysteme 2014, S. 1–6.
Streller, Matthias; Lindner, Gerhard (2014): Development of a piezoelectric transducer driven tactile pixel element using magnetorheological liquids. In: Proc. Actuator14, S. 419–422.
Reißenweber, Marina; Krempel, Sandro; Lindner, Gerhard (2013): High-speed camera observation of multi-component droplet coagulation in an ultrasonic standing wave field. In: Proc. SPIE 8923, 89234K. DOI: 10.1117/12.2033692.
Tietze, Sabrina; Schlemmer, Josefine; Lindner, Gerhard (2013): Influence of surface acoustic waves induced acoustic streaming on the kinetics of electrochemical reactions. In: Proc. SPIE 8923, 89231B. DOI: 10.1117/12.2033694.
Yu, Cheng.; Krämer, Sebastian; Wieland, David; Krempel, Sandro; Lindner, Gerhard (2013): Touch Sensitivity of Objects Based on Surface Acoustic Waves. In: Proc. Sensor 2013, S. 766–771. DOI: 10.5162/IMCS2012/P4.4.
Friedrich, Denise; Goetz, Kristin; Lindner, Gerhard (2012): A PVDF-driven cantilever resonator for density and viscosity determination of fluids. In: Proc. 14th Int. Meeting on Chemical Sensors, S. 1429–1432. DOI: 10.5162/IMCS2012/P2.2.9.
Liang, Wei; Streller, Matthias; Lindner, Gerhard (2012): Influence of substrate on the acoustic propulsion of droplets. In: Proc. Actuator12, S. 422–425.
Liang, Wei; Tietze, Sabrina; Schmitt, Martin; Lindner, Gerhard (2012): Droplet propulsion on non-piezoelectric substrates induced by Lamb waves. In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1474, S. 391–394. DOI: 10.1063/1.4749376.
Schmitt, Martin; Tietze, Sabrina; Liang, Wei; Lindner, Gerhard (2012): Measurement of the emission of Lamb waves by a PVDF membrane hydrophone. In: AIP Conf. Proc. 1433, S. 133–136. DOI: 10.1063/1.3703155.
Herbst, Johannes; Scherer, Benjamin; Singer, Ferdinand; Erb, Jochen; Lambrecht, Armin, Rathke, C. et al. (2011): Acetylene measurement using quantum cascade lasers at 14μm. In: M. Razeghi, R. Sudharsanan und G. J. Brown (Hg.): Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices VIII. SPIE OPTO. San Francisco, 22 – 27 January 2011 (SPIE Proceedings, 7945).
Lindner, Gerhard; Brückner, Christoph; Schmitt, Martin (2011): Online bearing lubricant sensing by mode conversion of surface acoustic waves. In: Proc. Sensor 2011, S. 55–60. DOI: 10.5162/sensor11/a2.3.
Meisenbach, Lars; Diller, Wolfgang; Zeng, Xiao; Schmitt, Martin; Hamperl, Claudia; Lindner, Gerhard (2011): Berührungssensitive Fliesen auf Basis von akustischen Oberflächenwellen für den Sanitärbereich. Touch sensitive tiles with surface acoustic waves for sanitary applications. In: Proc. AAL 2011 4, 87.
Faustmann, Hendrik; Münch, Michael; Lindner, Gerhard; Schmitt, Martin; Springer, Martin (2010): Measurement of the properties of liquids based on the dispersion of Lamb waves in an acoustic waveguide. In: Physics Procedia 3 (1), S. 959–964. DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2010.01.123.
Schmitt, Martin; Krempel, Sandro; Lindner, Gerhard; Först, Bernhard; Kaiser, Fabian; Fromm, Sina (2010): Scaling up Microfluidic Acoustic Streaming Effects to Macrofluidic Applications. In: Proc. Actuator10, S. 786–789.
Schmitt, Martin; Schmidt, Katrin; Tietze, Sabrina; Lindner, Gerhard (2010): Detection of droplets on non-piezoelectric substrates via mode conversion of Lamb waves. In: Proc. Sensoren und Messsysteme 2010, S. 298–305, zuletzt geprüft am 19.02.2014.
Schmitt, Martin; Stich, Sebastian; Fromm, Sina; Fischer, Florian; Lindner, Gerhard (2010): Detection and Removal of Droplets on Nonpiezoelectric Substrates via Mode Conversion of Lamb Waves. In: Proc. IEEE Sensors, S. 304–308.
Lindner, Gerhard; Schmitt, Martin; Schmidt, Katrin; Faustmann, Hendrik; Krempel, Sandro; Schubert, Josefine (2009): Detection of coatings and measurement of coating thickness on technical substrates using surface acoustic waves in a waveguide configuration. In: Proc. Sensor 2009 (1), S. 35–40. DOI: 10.5162/sensor09/v1/a1.3.
Schmitt, Martin; Lindner, Gerhard; Krempel, Sandro; Faustmann, Hendrik; Singer, Ferdinand (2009): Propulsion of droplets on non-piezoelectric substrates via mode conversion of Lamb waves. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium, S. 1640–1643. DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2009.5441597.
Faustmann, Hendrik; Münch, Michael; Markert, Winfried; Lindner, Gerhard (2008 – 2008): Acoustic liquid sensor based on lamb waves on structural materials. Eurosensors XXII. Dresden, 07.09.2008 – 10.09.2008.
Lindner, Gerhard; Braun, Rudolf; Faustmann, Hendrik; Krempel, Sandro; Markert, Winfried; Pflaum, Kathrin; Rothballer, Stefan (2008-2008): Messempfindlichkeit, Messgenauigkeit und Störgrößen-Kompensation bei einem akustischen Wellenleiter-Sensor. Fachtagung ‘Sensoren und Messsysteme 2008’. VDI Wissenszentrum. Ludwigsburg, 11.03.2008-12.03.2008.
Lindner, Gerhard; Faustmann, Hendrik; Krempel, Sandro; Münch, Michael; Rothballer, Stefan; Singer, Ferdinand (2008): Wave propagation in an acoustic wave guide sensor for liquids driven by pulsed excitation of surface acoustic waves. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Frequency Control Symp., S. 39–43. DOI: 10.1109/FREQ.2008.4622952.
Lindner, Gerhard; Faustmann, Hendrik; Fischer, Thomas; Krempel, Sandro; Rothballer, Stefan; Schmitt, Martin; Münch, Michael (2007): Acoustic Surface Wave Induced Propagation of Liquids in Open Channels. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium, S. 2331–2334. DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2007.586.
Lindner, Gerhard; Faustmann, Hendrik; Koch, Tilman; Krempel, Sandro; Lind, Franziska; Mick, Helena et al. (2007): Digital Precision Measurement of Force, Pressure and other Mechanical Quantities with an Acoustic Waveguide Sensor. In: Proc. Sensor 2007, S. 91–96.
Lindner, Gerhard; Faustmann, Hendrik; Thomas Fischer; Sven Frankenberger; Münch, Michael; Stefan Rothballer (2006-2006): Messung von Flüssigkeitseigenschaften mit einem flexibel konfigurierbaren akustischen Wellenleiter-Sensor. Fachtagung ‘Sensoren und Messsysteme 2006’. Freiburg, 13.05.2006-14.05.2006.
Lindner, Gerhard; Faustmann, Hendrik; Frankenberger, Sven; Münch, Michael; Pflaum, Kathrin; Rothballer, Stefan; Unterburger, M. (2006): A versatile acoustic waveguide sensor for liquids based on multiple mode conversion at solid-liquid interfaces. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium, S. 1181–1184. DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2006.303.
Bachelor Theses
Author | Title | Year |
Jan Lützelberger | Entwicklung eines Ultraschall-Messverfahrens zur Charakterisierung der Knochen-Implantat-Schnittstelle bei Hüftprothesen | 2022 |
Master Theses
Author | Title | Year |
Jakob Elsner | Ultrafast Hybrid Nanoplasmonics – Optische Kontrolle ultraschneller Ladungsprozesse von der Theorie zur Applikation | 2022 |
PhD Theses
Singer, Ferdinand (2017): Charakterisierung oberflächennaher Materialparameter mit laserangeregten akustischen Oberflächenwellen. 1. Auflage. Herzogenrath: Shaker (Bayreuther Beiträge zur Sensorik und Messtechnik, 22).
Liang, Wei (2014): Investigations on the propulsion of droplets induced by surface acoustic waves. Dissertation. 1. Aufl. Aachen: Shaker (Bayreuther Beiträge zur Sensorik und Messtechnik, 10).
Schmitt, Martin (2012): Detektion von Schichtbelegungen innerhalb von flüssigkeitsgefüllten Rohren und Behältnissen durch Modenkonversion von Lambwellen. Dissertation. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br., Freiburg i. Br. Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (IMTEK).
Tietze, Sabrina (2021): Akustische Beschleunigung elektrochemischer Ionentransporte an Fest-Flüssig Grenzflächen. 1. Auflage. Herzogenrath: Shaker (Bayreuther Beiträge zur Sensorik und Messtechnik, 36).