A total of 13 of the 50 new professorships on the subject of AI – artificial intelligence will be located in Upper Franconia. Two of them at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences: a gain for the entire region. On the occasion of his visit to Coburg on 4th June, Science Minister Bernd Sibler was already able to gain an insight into AI developments at Coburg University of Applied Sciences. The ISAT has already used the AI in applied research for quality control in bilateral industrial cooperations. The Minister of Science was able to see this for himself during a demonstration by Institute Director Prof. Dr. Klaus Stefan Drese on site in the ISAT measuring room.
You can find a detailed article on the website of Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Bachelor or Master thesis for Summer Semester 2022 – Chip ESI-MS
General informationMinister of Science Bernd Sibler visits the Coburg University of Applied Sciences
General informationA total of 13 of the 50 new professorships on the subject of AI – artificial intelligence will be located in Upper Franconia. Two of them at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences: a gain for the entire region. On the occasion of his visit to Coburg on 4th June, Science Minister Bernd Sibler was already able to gain an insight into AI developments at Coburg University of Applied Sciences. The ISAT has already used the AI in applied research for quality control in bilateral industrial cooperations. The Minister of Science was able to see this for himself during a demonstration by Institute Director Prof. Dr. Klaus Stefan Drese on site in the ISAT measuring room.
You can find a detailed article on the website of Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Kick-off event “Megayachtschaum”
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General informationISAT at the Campus Fair 2018 // 15 November 2018
Trade fairsWe launched!
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Trade fairs1st TAS – Technology Day Applied Sensor Technology
Conferences7th Conference Sensors in Automobiles, Munich